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76 FR 59542

EPA amended the calculation and monitoring provisions in the electronics manufacturing portion of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule for the largest semiconductor facilities.

76 FR 59533

EPA finalized amendments to the best available monitoring methods used for the petroleum and natural gas systems source category of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule.

76 FR 32333

SIP Proposal: Texas (permit renewal requirements).

76 FR 32333

SIP Proposal: Tennessee (limited approval of regional haze requirements).

76 FR 34020

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (air pollution control rules and regulations for Allegheny County; see above for direct final rule).

76 FR 32333

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (quality assurance for the motor vehicle I/M program; see above for direct final rule).

76 FR 32110

SIP Proposal: Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana (attainment of the 1997 annual average fine PM NAAQS for the tri-state Cincinnati-Hamilton nonattainment area).

76 FR 36468

SIP Proposals: North Carolina (emission limitations from smokestacks).

76 FR 36450

SIP Proposal: Nevada (regional haze program).

76 FR 38334

SIP Proposal: Maryland (Washington, DC, area moderate 1997 8-hour ozone nonattainment area).