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New Hampshire: Air

The Department of Environmental Services proposed to amend Env-Wm 1404.17(e)-(i), Applicability of Stage II Vapor Recovery Requirements. Changes would eliminate requirements to install Stage II controls on certain gasoline dispensing equipment starting January 1, 2012, and require facilities to decommission Stage II equipment by December 22, 2015. There will be a public hearing October 7, 2011, and the deadline for public comment is October 17.

Tennessee: Air

The Environment and Conservation Agency amended Tenn. Admin. Code §1200.03.16, New Source Performance Standards. Changes relate to the reporting of monitored emissions, coal preparation plants, and nonmetallic mineral processing plants, and incorporate federal code changes by reference. The amendment takes effect November 27, 2011. See

Tennessee: Climate Change

The Air Pollution Control Board amended Tenn. Admin. Code §12.03.09, Construction and Operating Permits. Changes alter the requirements for a major source operating permit so that the greenhouse gas provisions no longer apply if the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court determines that greenhouse gases should not be subject to regulation. The amendment takes effect November 27, 2011. See

Tennessee: Waste

The Environment and Conservation Agency amended Tenn. Admin. Code §§1200.02.04, General Provisions, and 1200.02.10, Licensing and Registration, pertaining to radioactive material. Changes amend definitions, revise transportation requirements to be consistent with those of the International Atomic Energy Agency Standards, add recordkeeping requirements for decommissioning a facility, and alter baseline dates for registered inspections. See

76 FR 41075

SIP Approval: Illinois/Indiana/Michigan/Minnesota/ Ohio/Wisconsin (1997 eight-hour ozone and fine PM NAAQS).