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Connecticut: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies §22a.174.20(s) to alter reasonably available control technologies requirements for miscellaneous metal and plastic parts coating activities. There will be a public hearing November 9, 2011. See

Montana: Water

The Department of Natural Resources and Conservation amended Mont. Admin. R. 36.12.101, 36.12.102, 36.12.103, and 36.12.1701 regarding water rights permitting. Changes alter definitions to define "manifold" and remove obsolete earmarks and forms. The amendments take effect October 1, 2011. See (pp. 2043-45).

California: Toxic Substances

The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment proposed amendments to 27 Cal. Code Regs. §25707, Route of Exposure. Changes would remove the reference to hexavalent chromium as posing no significant risk when ingested, based on recent scientific findings that establish that chromium can be carcinogenic by the oral route. The deadline for comment is October 31, 2011. See (pp. 1505-07).

Connecticut: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection proposed to amend Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies §22a.174. Changes would eliminate three air management regulatory programs, including control of open burning; add compliance flexibility for large vehicle manufacturers; add exemptions for Stage II vapor controls; and revise fine particulate matter criteria. The deadline for comment is November 9, 2011. See

76 FR 40242

SIP Approval: Indiana (PSD and nonattainment NSR rules). 

Texas: Water

The Railroad Commission of Texas proposed to add 16 Tex. Admin. Code §3.29, relating to Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Disclosure Requirements. The regulation would require operators to enter information about the chemical ingredients and volume of water used in the hydraulic fracturing treatment of a well into "FracFocus," a website of the Ground Water Protection Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. There will be a public hearing October 5, 2011, and the deadline for written comment is October 11.

Washington: Air

The Department of Ecology amended Wash. Admin. Code §173.422A, Motor vehicle emission inspection. Changes amend the current emissions inspection process by exempting light diesel vehicles from inspection, eliminating the gas cap test and dynamometer testing, and tightening the test standards for heavy-duty diesel vehicles. Changes were adopted August 10, 2011 and take effect July 1, 2012. See

Washington: Climate Change

The Department of Ecology amended Wash. Admin. Code §§173.400, General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources, & 173.401, Operating Permit Regulation. Changes are meant to ensure consistency between state rules and federal rules for greenhouse gas that defer for a period of three years the consideration of carbon dioxide emissions from bioenergy and other biogenic sources when determining whether a stationary source meets the PSD and Title V applicability thresholds. Changes were adopted August 10, 2011, and took effect September 10.

Texas: Air

The Commission on Environmental Quality proposed amendments to 30 Tex. Admin. Code §111.147, Materials Handling, Construction, Roads, Streets, Alleys, and Parking Lots. The section pertains to visible emissions and particulate matter. Changes relate to El Paso's city plan for alley paving. There will be a public hearing September 27, 2011, and the deadline for comment is October 3. See (pp. 5640-44).