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76 FR 40624

SIP Approval: Kansas (1997 NAAQS for ozone). 

76 FR 41424

SIP Approval: Iowa (substantially inadequate finding for the 2006 24-hour fine PM NAAQS in Muscatine County). 

Ohio: Air

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency proposed amendments to Ohio Admin. Code 3745-49-50, Definitions, 51, Permitted uses, eligibility, and prioritization, and 52, Grant administration. The rules pertain to Clean Diesel Retrofit grants. Among other changes, the amendments would add a definition for "approved idle reduction technology" and change the language for which years of school buses are eligible from "1994 or newer" to "1996 to 2006." There will be a public hearing October 17, 2011.

Tennessee: Waste

The Department of Environment and Conservation amended Tenn. Admin. Code 1200.02.11, Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Changes incorporate the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's requirements and include security rules for portable gauges and an expansion of the definition of byproduct material. The amendments take effect December 8, 2011. See

New Jersey: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted a new General Permit 021, Combined Heat and Power Combustion Turbine Units; and General Operating Permit 005, Combined Heat and Power Combustion Turbine Unit. See 43 N.J.R. 2523(a).

New Jersey: Air

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted a new General Permit 022, Combined Heat and Power Spark Ignition Reciprocating Engines, and General Operating Permit 006, Combined Heat and Power Spark Ignition Reciprocating Engines. See 43 N.J.R. 2524(a).