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76 FR 40303

SIP Proposal: California (limited approval of revisions for NOxemissions for the the South Coast air quality management district). 

76 FR 44406

EPA established measures to mitigate the misfueling of vehicles, engines, and equipment with gasoline containing up to 15 volume percent ethanol and the potential emission consequences of misfueling.

76 FR 43230

EPA proposed to update outer continental shelf air regulations for Virginia; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 40660

SIP Proposal: California (VOC, NOx, and PM emissions for the San Joaquin Valley air pollution control district). 

76 FR 39357

SIP Proposal: California (VOC emissions for the Imperial County and Kern County air pollution control districts; see above for direct final rule). 

76 FR 38589

SIP Proposals: California (negative declarations for VOC source categories in the Antelope Valley air quality management district; see above for direct final rule)