New Mexico v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Tenth Circuit dismissed a petition to review NRC's grant of a temporary license for spent nuclear fuel storage near the New Mexico border. New Mexico argued NRC violated NEPA and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, and acted ultra vires in granting the license. NRC moved to dismiss for lack of jurisdi...
American Chemistry Council v. Environmental Protection Agency
The D.C. Circuit granted EPA's motion to dismiss an industry group's challenge to interim lifetime health advisories for two per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water. The court found that the group identified alleged harm facing an indirect subsidiary of one of its members, but failed t...
District of Columbia v. Exxon Mobil Corp.
A district court granted the District of Columbia's motion to remand to state court a consumer protection lawsuit against energy companies. The District sued in state court, arguing the companies knowingly misrepresented the effects of fossil fuel products to consumers through misleading advertiseme...
Oakland v. BP P.L.C.
A district court on remand granted San Francisco's and Oakland's motion to remand to state court the cities' lawsuits alleging that six oil companies produce and promote products that create a public nuisance—sea-level rise—when combusted. The court previously denied the motion, finding that eva...
Missouri v. Biden
The Eighth Circuit affirmed a district court's dismissal of states' challenge to the Biden Administration's interim estimates on the social costs of greenhouse gas emissions. The states had sought to preliminarily enjoin federal officials, departments, and agencies from using the estimates "as bindi...
Plaquemines Parish v. Chevron USA
The Fifth Circuit affirmed a district court's order remanding back to state court a lawsuit brought against oil companies concerning their operations during World War II. Louisiana parishes initially filed suit in state court, arguing the companies had violated Louisiana's State and Local Coastal Re...
Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. v. Regan
The D.C. Circuit vacated a district court's grant of summary judgment to EPA in a challenge to the Agency's approval of a permitting program for coal ash disposal facilities in Oklahoma. Environmental groups challenged EPA’s approval on several grounds under RCRA and the APA, and the district cour...
Garrison v. New Fashion Pork LLP
The Iowa Supreme Court, 4-3, affirmed a summary judgment order dismissing a landowner's nuisance, trespass, and drainage claims against a neighboring confined animal feeding operation (CAFO). The neighboring CAFO moved for summary judgment based on the statutory immunity enacted in Iowa's "right-to-...
Save the Scenic Santa Ritas v. United States Army Corps of Engineers
A district court granted a developer's motion to dismiss a challenge to the Army Corps of Engineers' decision to issue a CWA §404 permit for a proposed copper mine project in the Santa Rita Mountains. Environmental groups and Native American tribes argued that the Corps violated the CWA and NEPA wh...