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Save Strawberry Canyon v. U.S. Department of Energy

A district court held that DOE complied with NEPA when it determined that the construction of a "supercomputer" project on a college campus would have no significant environmental impact and did not require an EIS. The EA took a hard look at direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, adequa...

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership v. Salazar

The D.C. Circuit upheld BLM’s decision to allow additional natural gas drilling in the Pinedale Anticline Project Area of western Wyoming. In 2008, the BLM adopted a record of decision (ROD) that, among other things, authorized the development of more natural gas wells than a previous ROD had sanc...

Ark Initiative v. United States Forest Service

The Tenth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision dismissing a lawsuit challenging the Forest Service's approval of a ski area improvement project near Aspen, Colorado. A conservation group alleged that the Forest Service violated NEPA by approving the project without examining certain cumulative ef...

WildEarth Guardians v. United States Forest Service

A district court upheld the U.S. Forest Service's environmental review of a coal mine expansion project in the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests. An environmental group argued that the final EIS failed to adequately consider methane capture and flaring as reasonable alternatives...

United States v. Accra Pac, Inc.

The court holds that a district court did not have jurisdiction to review a dispute about language in a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) consent decree approving a proposed cleanup plan. The plan was proposed by a company that abandoned an acrosol can facility following an explosion and a ...

Aluminum Co. of Am. v. Administrator

The court denies a petition to review the Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA's) record of decision (ROD) regarding the operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) concluded that under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), continued oper...

Alexandria, City of v. Slater

The court holds that the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT's) approval of a 12-lane bridge to replace an existing 6-lane bridge in Alexandria, Virginia, violated the Clean Air Act (CAA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Depar...

Harmon Indus., Inc. v. Browner

The court holds that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) practice of overfiling in those states where it has authorized state enforcement of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) oversteps the Agency's authority under the Act. EPA initiated a RCRA enforcement action agains...

Anderson v. Farmland Indus., Inc.

The court holds that it has subject matter jurisdiction over an environmental group's Clean Air Act (CAA) citizen suit that alleged emission and reporting violations at a refinery. The court first holds that under CAA §304, the group provided the refinery with adequate notice of the violation befor...