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Protecting Air for Waterville v. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

The Sixth Circuit dismissed environmental groups' petition to review air pollution control permits issued by Ohio's Environmental Protection Agency for two natural gas compressor stations along a natural gas pipeline that runs from Ohio to Michigan. The groups argued that the permits were invalid be...

Wildearth Guardians v. Zinke

A magistrate judge ruled in favor of environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement's (OSM's) approval of a coal mine expansion in southeastern Montana.The groups argued that OSM failed to take a "hard look" at impacts of ...

Indigenous Environmental Network v. United States Department of State

A district court granted in part and denied in part a pipeline company's motion to stay a previous order enjoining the company from continuing certain preconstruction activities on the Keystone XL oil pipeline until the State Department completed a supplemental EIS. The company sought to continue th...

Appalachian Voices v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

In an unpublished opinion, the D.C. Circuit denied environmental groups' petitions to review FERC's issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The groups argued that FERC failed to adequately consider the climate change impacts of ...

Public Citizen, Inc. v. Trump

A district court denied public interest groups' motion for partial summary judgment in challenging an Executive Order that required federal agencies to repeal two existing rules for each new rule promulgated. The groups argued they established associational standing based on injuries that two of the...

Atchafalaya Basinkeeper v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

A district court denied environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin a pipeline company from continuing construction on an oil pipeline in the Atchafalaya Basin. The groups sought the injunction to prevent alleged irreparable harm to the basin, arguing that the company was violating key perm...

Center for Biological Diversity v. U.S. Bureau of Land Management

A district court denied environmental groups' motion for summary judgment against BLM for lease sales in 2017. The groups argued that BLM failed to fully consider numerous and foreseeable environmental impacts of the leases as required under NEPA. But the court found that BLM's analysis in general t...

Weymouth, Massachusetts v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

In an unpublished opinion, the D.C. Circuit dismissed a town's petition to review FERC's issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity under the Natural Gas Act authorizing upgrades to two natural gas pipelines. The town argued that the Commission violated the Act by approving a proj...

Delaware Riverkeeper Network v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

In an unpublished opinion, the D.C. Circuit dismissed an environmental group's petition to review FERC's issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity authorizing construction of a gas pipeline. The group challenged the Commission's failure to explain why an alternative option to bui...