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Berish v. Southwester Energy Production Co.

A district court held that residents may add four new defendants in their lawsuit against energy companies for alleged water contamination due to hydraulic fracturing operations near their homes. During the course of discovery, the residents learned that the proposed defendants participated in t...

California v. United States Department of Interior

A district court dismissed California's suit against DOI challenging its approval of the Colorado River Water Delivery Agreement under NEPA and the CAA. The state alleged that DOI failed to comply with the two statutes prior to approving it and sought an order immediately ceasing water deliverie...

Robinson Township v. Commonwealth

A Pennsylvania appellate court enjoined for 120 days the effective date of a new state law, Act 13, that authorizes municipalities to regulate the location of oil and gas operations but not the manner in which they are operated. The court reasoned that municipalities must have an adequate opport...