North Dakota v. United States Department of Interior
A district court granted five states' motion to preliminarily enjoin BLM from implementing its 2024 rule that requires oil and gas operators to flare rather than vent excess methane gas to prevent waste and conserve resources. North Dakota, Montana, Texas, Wyoming, and Utah argued the rule exceeded ...
United States Sugar Corp. v. Environmental Protection Agency
In a per curiam opinion, the D.C. Circuit granted industry groups' petitions and denied environmental groups' petition to review EPA's application of a 2022 rule that classified industrial boilers built after 2010 as "new" rather than "existing" sources of hazardous air pollutants. The industry grou...
Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency
In a per curiam opinion, the D.C. Circuit dismissed in part and denied in part challenges to EPA's 2022 denial of pending Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) exemption petitions filed by small refineries. EPA had determined the only costs relevant to showing economic hardship were those caused by complian...