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Merrill v. Ohio Department of Natural Resources

The Supreme Court of Ohio held that the territory of Lake Erie held in trust by the state of Ohio extends to the natural shoreline, which is the line at which the water usually stands when free from disturbing causes. Case law from 1878 and 1916, as well as the Fleming Act, enacted by the Ohio G...

Sandlands C&D v. County of Horry

The Supreme Court of South Carolina held that the South Carolina Solid Waste Policy and Management Act (SWPMA) does not preempt a county ordinance requiring solid waste generated within the county to be deposited at a county or county-approved landfill. A hauling company and a landfill that oper...

Ross v. California Coastal Commission

A California appellate court held that the California Coastal Commission complied with the California Coastal Act and the California Environmental Quality Act when it certified a coastal development project along beachfront dune property in the city of Malibu. Petitioners argued that the commiss...

Southern California Edison Co. v. United States

The Federal Circuit, in a breach of contract case involving the U.S. government's failure to dispose of spent nuclear fuels (SNF) produced at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, held that certain indirect overhead costs incurred by an electric utility can be included in the utility's damages ...

Gutierrez v. County of San Bernardino

A California appellate court affirmed a lower court decision dismissing homeowners' inverse condemnation claim against a county for damages they sustained following storm-induced floods in 2003 and 2004. The homeowners alleged that during both storms, a county roadway concentrated and exacerbated th...