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San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority v. Jewell

The Ninth Circuit, in a 170+ page opinion, reversed in part and affirmed in part a lower court decision invalidating the FWS' 2008 biological opinion (BiOp) that concluded that the Central Valley Project (CVP) would jeopardize the continued existence of the delta smelt and its habitat. The project s...

Central Delta Water Agency v. California Department of Water Resources

A California appellate court, in a pair of related cases, held that the California Department of Water Resources's environmental impact report (EIR) for an underground water bank in southern California violated the California Environmental Quality Act. The bank occupies nearly 30 square miles of und...

In re Deepwater Horizon

The Fifth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision dismissing a lawsuit filed by 11 Louisiana parishes in which they sought penalties under the Louisiana Wildlife Protection Statute for the pollution-related loss of aquatic life and wildlife following the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster in the ...

Pepin v. Division of Fisheries & Wildlife

Massachusetts' highest court upheld the state's "priority habitat" regulations insofar as they allow the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife to designate priority habitat without affording landowners the procedural protections statutorily due to those owning property within "significant...

Hughes v. Department of Environmental Quality

A Michigan appellate court held that Mich. Admin. Rule 324.102(x), which defines the term “injection well,” does not include wells completed using hydraulic fracturing. Accordingly, "frack" wells are not subject to the environmental regulations applicable to injection wells. For a well to be cat...

Thompson v. Heineman

A district court held that a Nebraska law passed in 2012 to expedite the approval of a new route for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline through the state is unconstitutional. Article IV, §20, of the Nebraska Constitution commits exclusively to the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) the au...

Kansas City, Missouri v. Chastain

The Supreme Court of Missouri reversed and remanded a lower court decision that a proposed ordinance that would impose additional sales taxes to pay for a light rail system in Kansas City, Missouri, violates the state constitution. The case arose after a community activist sought to place the ordina...