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South Carolina ex rel. Campbell v. O'Leary

The court preliminarily enjoins the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) from importing 409 spent nuclear fuel assemblies for storage at the Savannah River site in South Carolina until the court resolves on the merits South Carolina's claim under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that an envir...

Harleysville Mut. Ins. Co. v. Sussex County

The court holds that under Delaware law, pollution exclusion clauses in comprehensive general liability insurance policies that two insurance companies issued for a county landfill bar coverage for liability arising from contamination at the landfill. The court first holds that the discharges of con...

Alliance for Clean Coal v. Miller

The court holds that the Illinois Coal Act, which requires utilities and the Illinois Commerce Commission to take into account the need to use high-sulfur coal mined in Illinois when developing and approving Clean Air Act (CAA) compliance plans, violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution....

George Wash. Home Owners Ass'ns v. Widnall

The court denies environmental groups' and local residents' request for a preliminary injunction that would postpone the civilian reuse of Lowry Air Force Base near Denver, Colorado, until the performance of additional studies and analysis of environmental conditions at the base. The court first not...

Bamford v. Upper Republican Natural Resources Dist.

The court upholds a cease and desist order that a state natural resources district issued against a landowner, tenant farmers, and a partnership to prevent them from withdrawing groundwater from their nine wells in excess of their permitted allocation, until the district issued an additional allocat...

Transamerica Ins. Co. v. Duro Bag Manufacturing Co.

The court holds that the pollution exclusion clause in a manufacturing company's insurance policy bars coverage for costs of cleaning up environmental damage at the Newport landfill in Kentucky. The court first holds that the district court did not err in deciding not to certify to the Kentucky Supr...

Kleenwell Biohazard Waste & Gen. Ecology Consultants, Inc. v. Nelson

The court holds that a Washington state-law requirement that waste disposal companies obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity before collecting, transporting, or disposing of solid waste in the state does not violate the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The court first hold...

O'Neill v. United States

The court holds that of a water service contract between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and a private California water district does not obligate the Bureau to deliver the full contractual amount of Central Valley Project (CVP) water to the district when the Bureau cannot deliver that water consiste...

Oregon Natural Resources Council v. Marsh

The court holds that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) failed to comply with a prior court order directing it to prepare a second environmental impact statement supplement (EISS-2) addressing the cumulative environmental impacts of Elk Creek Dam and two other dams in the Rouge River Basin...

Friends of the Fiery Gizzard v. Farmers Home Admin.

The court holds that the Farmers Home Administration's (FmHA's) finding of no significant impact (FONSI) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for a project to construct a dam and water treatment plant to provide a long-term supply of water to a city is not arbitrary and capricious. The...