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Abraham v. Rockwell Int'l Corp.

The court holds that a defense contractor that operated the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant in Colorado could recover under its contract with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) legal fees and other costs it incurred in a successful defense against environmental criminal charges brought against it...

Plummer v. Fruitland, City of

The court holds that a lower court erred in upholding a local ordinance that provided an exclusive garbage collection and hauling franchise to a sanitation company. A competing company filed suit against the city after one of its employees was arrested for violating the ordinance. The court first ho...

Jopson v. Feather River Air Quality Management Dist.

The court holds that a local air quality management district is immune from a rancher's negligence claim against it for miscalculating the amount of marketable pollution credits the ranch earned for reducing agricultural burning. The district mistakenly issued the ranch 470 tons of credits more than...

Dalrymple Gravel & Contracting Co. v. Erwin, Town of

The court affirms, but on different grounds, a lower court decision invalidating a local ordinance prohibiting new mining activities in a town. The lower court erred in invalidating the local law based on the town's failure to comply with the state law's notice requirements. Because the local mining...

Tarullo v. Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Comm'n of the Town of Wolcott

The court affirms the dismissal of a property owner's appeal of a town wetlands commission's grant of a wetlands and watercourse permit for the construction of a subdivision on land adjacent to that of the property owner. The property owner misconstrued Connecticut General Statutes §22a-41(a)(2...

CF&I Steel, Ltd. Partnership v. Air Pollution Control Div.

The court affirms a trial court ruling that 760 pages of documents that a steel mill had previously provided to Colorado's state environmental agency constitutes "emission data" that could be disclosed to a union intervening in a state enforcement action against the steel mill. The Colorado Air Poll...

Park v. Burlington N. Santa Fe Ry. Co.

The court reverses a jury verdict awarding damages to the employee of a contractor who sued the railroad for injuries caused when a drum of spent signal batteries exploded during the contractor's disposal of the batteries. The employee sought to recover from the railroad under the peculiar risk doct...

United States v. Detroit, City of

The court vacates and remands a district court order under the All Writs Act requiring the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) to accept dredged material in order to prevent the frustration of a consent decree between a city and the state of Michigan addressing water pollution problems around t...

Holubec v. Brandenberger

The court held that a defective jury charge denied agricultural operators the protection of the Texas Right to Farm Act's affirmative defense against claims that agricultural operations are a nuisance. The Act provides that no nuisance action may be brought against an agricultural operation that has...