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Entergy Nuclear Generation Co. v. Department of Environmental Protection

Massachusetts' highest court vacated a nuclear power company's action seeking a judgment declaring that state regulations governing cooling water intake structures (CWIS) exceeded the state environmental agency's authority under the commonwealth's Clean Waters Act. A lower court ruled that the ...

Fund for Animals v. Hall

A district court held that FWS complied with NEPA when it approved the opening and expansion of sport hunting in 60 National Wildlife Refuges. Between 1997 and 2005, the FWS issued nine final rules creating or expanding recreational hunting opportunities on 60 wildlife refuges. In 2006, a court...

Anglers of the AuSable, Inc. v. Department of Environmental Quality

The Michigan Supreme Court vacated its previous decision at 41 ELR 20056 in which it held that a company's plan to discharge contaminated water from an environmental cleanup site in the Manistee River watershed into a previously unpolluted site in the AuSable River watershed was manife...

Newton-Enloe v. Horton

A California appellate court reversed a lower court decision dismissing petitioners' action to compel the state health department to prepare and submit a safe drinking water plan to the state legislature as required by state law. The department argued before the trial court that the statutory m...

Wollmer v. City of Berkeley

A California appellate court held that a city did not violate the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) when it approved an affordable housing project. In approving the project, the city concluded that the project satisfied the categorical exemption for in-fill development projects. Altho...

Santa Monica Baykeeper v. City of Malibu

A California appellate court upheld the dismissal of a petition challenging a city's environmental impact report (EIR) for and approval of a park project. An environmental group argued that the EIR failed to adequately analyze construction-related water quality impacts, the impact of using trea...

Abnet v. Coca-Cola Co.

A district court granted in part a bottling company's motion to dismiss individuals' tort and state law claims against it for groundwater contamination. The individuals alleged that the company violated the terms of their wastewater discharge permit by spraying excess wastewater over a sustaine...

Litgo New Jersey, Inc. v. Martin

A district court modified its equitable allocation of costs under §113 of CERCLA and the New Jersey Spill Act in connection with a site contaminated with TCE and other hazardous substances. The court originally allocated 65% of costs to the plaintiffs, 32% to the defendants, and 3% to the federal g...

Gardner v. United States Bureau of Land Management

The Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of a citizen group's lawsuit seeking to compel BLM to prohibit off-road vehicle use in Oregon's Little Canyon Mountain area. BLM did not make a finding that the off-road vehicle use complained of by the group had caused "considerable adverse effects" that would...

Michigan Farm Bureau v. Department of Environmental Quality

A Michigan appellate court upheld the state environmental agency's concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) rule. The challenged rule falls within the scope of the agency's statutory rulemaking authority, is rationally related to the agency's statutory mandate to protect Michigan's waters from p...