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Wagoner v. Chevron USA, Inc.

A Louisiana appellate court reversed a lower court decision denying property owners' right to sue oil and gas companies for contamination and damages due to their past operations on the site. The operations were conducted under mineral leases that remain active today. The owners purchased the site i...

Environmental Quality Comm'n v. Coos Bay, City of

The court reverses a portion of a state environmental agency order that imposed a civil penalty against a city for discharging sewage sludge without a permit in violation of an Oregon statute. The city was granted a national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit to operate a sewage d...

Gingerville Community Ass'n v. Anne Arundel County

The court grants a county's motion for summary judgment in a case in which a community association challenged the county's receipt of a state nontidal wetlands permit for the planned construction of a roadway extension. The court first holds that the association failed to raise any genuine issues of...

Board of County Comm'rs v. Vail Assocs., Inc.

The court holds that a Colorado statute that exempts from taxation certain possessory interests in tax-exempt property violates the state constitution. A ski area operator, whose ski resort is located on federal land, filed suit challenging the appraisal of its owed taxes on the basis that taxation ...

Illinois v. Department of the Army

The court grants Illinois' request to remand to state court its case against the U.S. Department of the Army (Army) for improperly releasing pollutants from its Joliet Army Ammunition Plant into waste streams and outfalls that ultimately ended up in Prairie Creek, a tributary of the Kankakee River. ...

Coastal Envtl. Specialists, Inc. v. Chem-Lig Int'l, Inc.

The court denies an environmental remediation specialist's claims that a port commission owed it money for cleaning up property leased by the commission. A chemical manufacturer leased land from the port commission. Upon discovering contamination on the property, the manufacturer hired the environme...

United States v. Alpine Land & Reservoir Co.

The court reverses a district court's blanket equitable exemption of intra-farm transfers from Nevada's law of forfeiture and abandonment and holds that equity may be appropriate only in the forfeiture context under certain circumstances. In a prolonged litigation regarding water rights from the Tru...

Deltic Farm & Timber Co. v. Great Lakes Chem. Corp.

The court holds that Arkansas law does not allow the tolling of the statute of limitations where there is no evidence of fraudulent concealment in a timber company's wrongfully removed minerals action against a chemical corporation. The court first notes that the Arkansas Supreme Court had the chanc...