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San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority v. Locke

The Ninth Circuit upheld the National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS') biological opinion regarding the impact of continuing water extraction in the California Central Valley on certain threatened and endangered salmonid species. In its biological opinion, NMFS determined that the Bureau of Reclam...

Humane Society of the United States v. Jewell

A district court, in a 100+-page opinion, vacated an FWS rule removing the western Great Lakes distinct population segment (DPS) of gray wolves from the ESA’s list of protected species and ordered the agency to reinstate immediately the protections for gray wolves in the affected area as these pro...

Oceana v. Pritzker

A district court refused to vacate a biological opinion issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in which it determined that the operation of the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery would not jeopardize the continued existence of the Northwest Atlantic population segment of loggerhead sea tur...

Conservation Congress v. Finley

The Ninth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision granting summary judgment in favor of the federal government on claims that it violated ESA, NEPA, and National Forest Management Act in connection with its approval of a lumber thinning and fuel reduction project in northern California. An environme...

Aransas Project v. Shaw

The Fifth Circuit denied a motion to rehear its earlier decision that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) did not cause the unlawful take of endangered whooping cranes in the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in violation of ESA §9. All but 4 of the 15 circuit court judges voted aga...