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Wild Fish Conservancy v. Irving

A district court denied in part and granted in part motions for summary judgment in a suit involving the effects of the Leavenworth [WA] National Fish Hatchery’s operation on endangered Chinook salmon and steelhead in Icicle Creek. An environmental group alleged NMFS's biological opinion (BiOp) an...

Safari Club International v. Department of Interior

The D.C. Circuit reversed a lower court decision that two hunting organizations could not challenge FWS’ indefinite suspension of import permits of African elephant trophies from Tanzania. The hunters challenged FWS’ 2014 suspension on the grounds that the suspension was legislative and required...

Anderson v. McCarthy

A district court, on motions for summary judgment, dismissed a lawsuit against EPA filed by a group of beekeepers, farmers, and organizations concerned about the effect of pesticide-treated seeds on bees and other pollinators. The plaintiffs argued that the practice of coating seeds with neonicotino...