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Defenders of Wildlife v. Perciasepe

The D.C. Circuit upheld a consent decree that established a schedule for EPA to initiate notice-and-comment rulemaking and make a formal decision whether to promulgate a new rule revising certain effluent limitations and effluent limitations guidelines under the CWA. Below, an association of energy ...

Kentucky Riverkeeper, Inc. v. Rowlette

The Sixth Circuit struck down the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' reissuance of nationwide permit 21, which authorizes surface coal mining operations to discharge dredged and fill material into waters of the United States. An environmental group challenged the permit, alleging that the cumulative-impa...

Mingo Logan Coal Co. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit reversed a lower court decision that EPA exceeded its authority under CWA §404(c) when it invalidated an existing U.S. Army Corps of Engineer permit authorizing a mining company to discharge fill material from its mountaintop coal mine into two nearby streams. In its post-perm...

Village of Bald Head Island v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The Fourth Circuit upheld the dismissal of a town's complaint seeking to require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to honor commitments the Corps made to it and other North Carolina towns when developing plans to widen, deepen, and realign portions of the Cape Fear River navigation channel. The town ...

Ecological Rights Foundation v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

The Ninth Circuit affirmed the dismissal of an environmental group's citizen suit against two electric companies alleging that their utility poles discharged wood preservative into the environment in violation of the CWA and RCRA. The group failed to state a claim under the CWA because discharges of...

Iowa League of Cities v. Environmental Protection Agency

The Eighth Circuit vacated two EPA letters announcing new legislative rules for water treatment processes at municipally owned sewer system. EPA admitted it did not engage in notice and comment procedures, but it insisted there has been no procedural impropriety because the letters should be conside...

Ecological Rights Foundation v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

A district court dismissed CWA claims brought by an environmental group seeking to compel an electric company to obtain NPDES permits for its facilities. The group alleged that activities conducted at the facilities and the materials stored there contaminate stormwater discharged from the sites. Whi...