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Alaska Community Action on Toxics v. Aurora Energy Services, LLC

The Ninth Circuit held that the owner and operator of a coal export terminal may be held liable under the CWA for non-stormwater discharges of coal into Resurrection Bay, Alaska. Because the facility has been covered under the Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Ind...

El Dorado Chemical Co. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Eighth Circuit upheld an EPA decision rejecting modifications to Arkansas' water quality standards as they pertain to discharges of dissolved minerals from a chemical manufacturing plant. Arkansas adopted the revisions after the plant initiated a third party rulemaking to increase the levels of ...

United States v. Hamilton

A district court upheld a jury verdict that a Wyoming farmer who discharged material into a creek on his property without a permit was exempt from the CWA's permitting requirements. Below, the jury found in the farmer's activities fell under the CWA's "normal farming and ranching activities" exempti...

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition v. Alex Energy, Inc.

A district court held that a mining company allowed excessive amounts of selenium to be discharged from one of its surface coal mine operations in violation of the CWA and SMCRA. The company's state permit does not explicitly impose selenium limitations, but it does incorporate by reference state re...

Belle Co. v. United States Army Corps of Engineers

The Fifth Circuit upheld a lower court's dismissal of a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' jurisdictional determination (JD) that a proposed landfill site contains wetlands subject to regulation under the CWA. The lower court ruled that the JD is not a “final agency action” an...

Alt v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Fourth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision denying an environmental group's motion to intervene in a poultry farmer's lawsuit against EPA. In that case, the farmer seeks a declaratory judgment that farmyard stormwater runoff is statutorily exempt from regulation as an agricultural stormwater...

Friends of Merrymeeting Bay v. Hydro Kennebec, LLC

The First Circuit vacated and remanded a lower court decision dismissing environmental groups' CWA claims against the operators of four hydroelectric dams along the Kennebec River. The groups alleged that the operators are in violation of their water quality certifications, and thus the CWA, because...

Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards v. A&G Coal Corp.

The Fourth Circuit held that a coal company may not assert the CWA's "permit shield" defense for discharges of selenium when it failed to disclose the presence of this pollutant during the permit application process. The company argued that because it disclosed the pollutants that it knew or had rea...