Willamette Riverkeeper v. National Marine Fisheries Service
A district court granted in part and denied in part summary judgment for an environmental group in a lawsuit concerning NMFS' approval of a management plan proposed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for releasing hatchery-raised fish into the Upper Willamette River. The group argued NMFS...
Montana Wildlife Federation v. Haaland
The Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part two district court rulings in lawsuits concerning policies governing oil and gas lease sales conducted by BLM on protected sage-grouse habitat. Environmental groups filed suit in Idaho and Montana, challenging certain sales conducted under guid...
Sierra Club v. United States Department of Transportation
The D.C. Circuit vacated the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's (PHMSA's) 2020 rule authorizing the transportation of liquefied natural gas by rail in newly designed tank cars without a permit. Environmental groups, several states, and an Indian tribe petitioned for review, arg...