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Center for Biological Diversity v. EPA

A district court ordered EPA to issue infrastructure requirements for the 2012 fine particulate matter NAAQS for five states within 90 days. In 2015, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island missed their deadlines to present compliance plans for the 2012 fine p...

Natl. Parks Conserv. Assn. v. EPA

A district court denied EPA's request to amend a 2012 consent decree obligating the Agency to approve state regional haze plans. In 2011, environmental groups sued the Agency to compel it to take action on nine states' regional haze plans. Under a consent decree, EPA was given until September 9, 201...

Sierra Club v. North Dakota

The Ninth Circuit upheld a 2014 EPA settlement that required the Agency to set a phased schedule for it to issue air quality designations as required by a 2010 sulfur dioxide NAAQS. In 2013, when EPA missed the statutory deadline to issue its designations under the CAA, environmental groups sued to ...

Sinclair Wyoming Refining Co. v. EPA

The Tenth Circuit rejected EPA's decision to deny an oil company's request for an exemption from the blending requirement under the Renewable Fuel Standards Program of the CAA. In 2005, Congress amended the CAA to require refiners and importers to blend biofuels into gasoline to cut down on greenhou...

Mexichem Fluor, Inc. v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit held that EPA overstepped its authority under the CAA when it banned the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in products. In 2015, EPA issued a rule that restricted the manufacture of products containing HFCs. EPA based this decision on its authority to regulate "ozone depleting substa...

Sierra Club v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit held that EPA must justify emissions limits set for certain hazardous air pollutants. The CAA requires EPA to set limits for seven different hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). In 2015, the Agency claimed to have identified sources of these pollutants and set emissions limits for them....