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Sierra Club v. Wheeler

A district court granted in part an environmental group's request to compel EPA to produce guidelines for commercial or industrial solid waste incinerators (CISWI) and other categories of solid waste incinerators (OSWI). The group argued that the Agency failed to comply with nondiscretionary duties ...

American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers v. O'Keeffe

The Ninth Circuit affirmed the dismissal of oil and trucking industry groups' challenge to Oregon's Clean Fuels Program, which regulates production and sale of transportation fuels based on greenhouse gas emissions. The groups argued that the program violated the dormant Commerce Clause by facially ...

Montana Environmental Information Center v. Thomas

The Ninth Circuit denied an environmental group's petition to review EPA's approval of a Montana SIP revision. The group argued that the approval was arbitrary and capricious because Montana's Department of Environmental Quality interpreted one of the SIP's provisions less stringently than the CAA a...

Air Alliance Houston v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit vacated EPA's rule delaying the 2017 Chemical Disaster Rule, which established safety standards for chemical facilities. The Agency argued that it had authority under CAA §112 to delay the effective date of the Rule beyond the ninety-day limit set forth in CAA §307 because ninety ...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit denied environmental groups' petition to review a 2016 rule that EPA uses to determine whether an event caused by recurring activity is "exceptional" and thus exempt from a state's emissions report. The groups argued that EPA misread the definition of "natural event" under the excep...


The Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court's denial of a car owner's motion to intervene in DOJ's case against a German automaker to resolve alleged CAA violations. The owner argued that DOJ's settlement with the automaker violated Virginia's SIP by not requiring all affected vehicles to be bought ...

Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control v. EPA

The D.C. Circuit denied Delaware's petition to review EPA's decision granting the Philadelphia area an extra year to comply with national ground-level ozone standards. Delaware argued that the Agency's extension violated the CAA because not all four states in the Philadelphia area applied for an ext...