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Portland Cement Ass'n v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit remanded EPA's NESHAPs for portland cement facilities. While EPA was establishing the NESHAPs, it was simultaneously developing a definition of commercial and industrial solid waste incinerators (CISWI), which would create a separate category of pollutant sources subject to emis...

Alaska v. Lubchenco

A district court upheld the National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS') decision to list the Cook Inlet beluga whale as endangered under the ESA. The state of Alaska, an oil company, and several nonprofit corporations challenged the decision, questioning the rationale behind the NFMS' decision, its ...

Center for Biological Diversity v. Salazar

A district court set aside and remanded the FWS' 12-month finding that the desert bald eagle does not qualify as a distinct population segment (DPS) of bald eagles entitled to statutory protection under the ESA. In 2004, an environmental group petitioned the FWS to list desert eagles as a DPS, but t...

Greater Yellowstone Coalition v. Servheen

The Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part a lower court decision vacating the FWS' decision to remove the Yellowstone distinct population segment of grizzly bears from the ESA's threatened species list. Given the lack of data indicating grizzly population stability in the face of white...