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White Stallion Energy Center, LLC v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit upheld the emission standards EPA promulgated in 2012 for mercury and other listed hazardous air pollutants emitted by coal- and oil-fired electric utility steam generating units. The rule was challenged by industry, saying the rule was too stringent, as well as by environmental gro...

Communities for a Better Environment v. Environmental Protection Agency

 The primary standards for carbon monoxide have remained the same since 1971. There has not been a secondary standard for carbon monoxide since EPA revoked a secondary standard in 1985. In 2007, EPA began reviewing whether to alter the current primary standards and whether to adopt a secondary ...

Oceana v. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

A district court, in a memorandum opinion, dismissed environmental groups' lawsuit against the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for APA, NEPA, and ESA violations in connection with two lease sales in the area where the Deepwater Horizon spill ...

Merrick v. Diageo Americas Supply, Inc.

A district court held that the CAA does not preempt landowners' state common-law tort claims against a whiskey distillery for property damage. The landowners alleged that emissions from the distillery caused "whisky fungus" to grow on their property. The distillery filed a motion to dismiss, arguing...

National Ass'n of Home Builders v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

A district court upheld two court-approved settlement agreements between environmental advocacy groups and the FWS in a multi-district litigation that require the agency to determine by certain deadlines whether to list 251 species as endangered or threatened under the ESA or find that listing these...