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Upper Missouri Waterkeeper v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Ninth Circuit remanded a summary judgment order in a challenge to EPA's approval of Montana's variance request from approved water quality standards adopted under the CWA. An environmental group argued the Agency's approval of the variance violated the APA. A district court granted partial vacat...

Navajo Nation v. Regan

A district court granted EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers' motion to voluntarily remand the Navigable Waters Protection Rule, and granted the Navajo Nation's request that remand include vacatur. The court found the agencies' own findings demonstrated that "allowing the Rule to remain in place upo...

Food & Water Watch v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Ninth Circuit vacated an NPDES permit issued by EPA for concentrated animal feeding operations in Idaho. Environmental groups argued the permit lacked sufficient monitoring provisions to ensure compliance with its "zero discharge" requirements for production and land-application areas. The court...

Inland Empire Waterkeeper v. Corona Clay Co.

The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, vacated and remanded a district court ruling in a CWA citizen suit concerning a clay manufacturer's discharges. Environmental groups argued the manufacturer illegally discharged pollutants into navigable waters, failed to monitor the discharge as required by its NPDES permit,...