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Green, City of v. Nexus Gas Transmission, LLC

The Sixth Circuit held that the state of Ohio did not properly analyze the environmental harm of an eight-mile stretch of the Nexus natural gas pipeline or consider alternative routes to avoid the City of Green. The pipeline would run through a wetland that the city claimed would be irreparably harm...

Assoc. of Irritated Residents v. Kern County Board of Supervisors

A California appellate court held that a project to modify an oil refinery so it can unload the equivalent of 150,000 barrels of crude oil per day should not proceed until corrections can be made to its state environmental impact report (EIR). The project proposed transporting crude oil from the Bak...

Indigenous Environmental Network v. TransCanada Corp.

A district court held that a lawsuit challenging the Keystone XL pipeline can continue despite calls from the federal government to dismiss the case. On April 4, 2017, the State Department approved a presidential permit for the pipeline. In its approval, the State Department relied on a 2014 EIS con...

Elkay Mining Co. v. Smith

The Fourth Circuit denied a coal company's petition to review an ALJ decision that found that a widow was entitled to survivorship benefits under the Black Lung Benefits Act. The coal miner in question worked in coal mines for 34 years, was a regular smoker, and retired in 1993. He developed serious...

Western Watersheds Project v. Wyoming

The Tenth Circuit held that a Wyoming law that imposed civil and criminal liability on those who cross private property to access adjacent land to collect resource data violates the First Amendment. In 2015, Wyoming enacted a pair of statutes that prohibited individuals from entering “open land fo...

Barnes v. FAA

The Ninth Circuit held that the FAA did not act arbitrarily when it forewent a full EIS on a third runway at the Hillsboro Airport in Hillsboro, Oregon. In 2005, the airport, the busiest in the state of Oregon, developed a plan to deal with traffic that included the addition of a third runway. Since...

Farrell-Cooper Mining Co. v. DOI

The Tenth Circuit held that a coal mining company was entitled to judicial review of a DOI decision after a lower court dismissed the suit. In 2013, the company was cited by DOI for a violation of SMCRA. In 2015, the mining company filed a notice of appeal and a petition for stay pending appeal with...