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Great Basin Resource Watch v. Bureau of Land Management

The Ninth Circuit held that BLM violated NEPA when it approved a proposed molybdenum mining operation near Eureka, Nevada. Environmental groups filed suit against BLM, challenging the agency's analysis of the project's cumulative air impacts and the baseline levels of certain air pollutants, and the...

Florida Power Corp. v. FirstEnergy Corp.

A district court, on cross-motions for summary judgment, held that a utility company should not be held liable under CERCLA for the release of hazardous substances on two properties owned by an energy company. The energy company brought this action under CERCLA to recover cleanup costs it incurred i...

United States v. Atlantic Richfield Co.

A district court denied as untimely a newspaper’s motion to intervene in a case involving a 27-year-old CERCLA action. The newspaper claimed it had, under state law, the right to information related to confidential settlement negotiations that took place between the U.S. government and a mining co...

Rocky Mountain Helium, LLC v. United States

The Federal Circuit affirmed in part and remanded in part a lower court decision dismissing a helium extraction company's breach of contract claims against the United States. In 1994, the parties entered a contract under which BLM gave the company the right to extract helium gas from roughly 21,000 ...

LCCS Group v. A.N. Webber Logistics, Inc.

A district court denied a waste hauling company's motion to dismiss a CERCLA suit filed against it for alleged soil and groundwater contamination contributed by its predecessor to a hazardous waste site in Chicago, Illinois. The company argued that the current owner of the site failed to sufficientl...

Goodeagle v. United States

The Court of Federal Claims, in a case involving several claims arising out of the alleged federal mismanagement of tribal lands, held that CERCLA does not bar a tribe from seeking natural resource damages even though cleanup efforts at the site are not complete. The government argued CERCLA's bar o...

People v. Rinehart

The Supreme Court of California held that the state's moratorium on the use of suction dredges to mine gold from rivers was not preempted by federal mining law. The case arose after an individual challenged his conviction for the possession and unpermitted use of a suction dredge. He argued that the...

Pakootas v. Teck Cominco Metals, Ltd.

The Ninth Circuit held that a mining company that operates a smelter in Canada should not be held liable as an arranger under CERCLA for the release and threatened release of hazardous substances in the Upper Columbia River. The company could not be said to have "arranged" for the "disposal" of haza...