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Sierra Club, Inc. v. United States Forest Service

The Fourth Circuit vacated and remanded BLM's decision granting a right-of-way through federal land for construction of a pipeline and the U.S. Forest Service's decision to amend the Jefferson National Forest Land Resource Management Plan to accommodate the right-of-way and pipeline construction. En...

New York v. BP P.L.C.

A district court granted oil companies' motion to dismiss New York City's case seeking damages for global warming-related injuries caused by greenhouse gas emissions resulting from combustion of the companies' fossil fuels. The companies argued that the city's claims should be dismissed because they...

Oakland v. BP PLC

A district court granted oil companies' motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought by the cities of Oakland and San Francisco alleging that the companies make and sell products that create a public nuisance—global-warming-induced sea-level rise—when combusted. The cities further alleged that the oil co...

Western Organization of Resource Councils v. Zinke

The D.C. Circuit affirmed a lower court decision granting DOI's motion to dismiss an order compelling it to update the EIS for the federal coal management program. Environmental and community organizations claimed that the programmatic EIS (PEIS) for the program violated NEPA and the APA. They argue...