Conservation Law Foundation v. Ross
A district court denied an environmental group's motion for summary judgment in a challenge to NMFS' approval of a fishery management plan amendment that opened up a portion of the western Gulf of Maine to commercial and recreational fishing. The group argued that NMFS wrongly concluded that the ame...
Oceana, Inc. v. Ross
The D.C. Circuit affirmed summary judgment for NMFS in a challenge to the agency's adoption of the 2016 Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology for fisheries in the northeastern United States. An environmental group argued that the 2016 methodology violated the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) because ...
Kansas Natural Resource Coalition v. U.S. Department of the Interior
A district court granted FWS' motion to dismiss a challenge brought by an environmental group concerning conservation of the lesser prairie chicken. The group argued that FWS unreasonably delayed submitting to Congress a 2003 policy concerning conservation efforts when making listing decisions under...
Friends of Animals v. Zinke
A district court dismissed a lawsuit brought by conservation groups challenging FWS' 2017 enhancement finding that overturned a previous ban on the importation of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe. Conservation groups challenged the finding, which concluded that hunting elephants in Zimbabwe enhanced ...