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Ensco Offshore Co. v. Salazar

A district court ordered the Bureau of Ocean Exploration Management, Regulation, and Enforcement to act on five pending deepwater drilling permit applications within 30 days. The permit applicant met all the necessary requirements for a preliminary injunction. The Outer Continental Shelf Lan...

Chevron Corp.

The Third Circuit, in a $113 billion lawsuit against an oil company concerning environmental pollution in the Amazon, affirmed in part and vacated in part a lower court order granting the oil company's application to engage in discovery for use in a proceeding before an Ecuadorian court unde...

Ecological Rights Foundation v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.

A district court held that an environmental group may go forward with its CWA claim against a gas and electric company for unpermitted stormwater discharges from its service yards, but dismissed the group's RCRA claim. The company filed a motion to dismiss, arguing that its service yards do ...

Bollay v. California Office of Administrative Law

A California appellate court invalidated a state policy prohibiting development seaward of the most landward historical position of the mean high tide line. The policy is an invalid underground regulation because it was not promulgated as a regulation under the APA. Although the state agency that ad...

United States v. California Department of Transportation

A district court, on motions for summary judgment, held that the California Department of Transportation is liable to the United States for damages caused to a lake and creek due to runoff from a state-run highway that cuts across federal property—the Presidio in San Francisco. A 1938 permit autho...

Jackson v. General Motors Corp.

A district court held that the CAA preempts a city transit employee's negligence and strict liability claims against a company for injuries stemming from diesel exhaust fumes. The employees alleged that the design of the company's buses violated the emissions standards set out in the CAA and...

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace v. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The Ninth Circuit, in a case concerning the NRC's approval of a proposed interim spent fuel storage installation at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, held that the NRC's refusal to grant a nonprofit group access to sensitive information in a closed adjudicatory hearing was not arbitrary, capric...

Reeser v. NGK North American, Inc.

A Pennsylvania appellate court held that an independent contractor hired to test emissions at a beryllium plant had no legal duty to warn third parties about the health risks stemming from those emissions. To be held liable under §324A of the Restatement (Second) of Torts, the consultant must have ...

Huffman v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court granted a motion to transfer the West Virginia environmental agency's action against EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers challenging their permitting processes for coal mining to the D.C. District Court for consolidation with another case filed by a mining industry trad...