Rose Acre Farms, Inc. v. NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources
A North Carolina court held that the state's environmental agency has the authority to require an egg farm to obtain a NPDES permit to prevent airborne pollutants from reaching state waters. The egg farm does not make any direct discharges into state waters, but ammonia and other pollutants may ente...
Brodsky v. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Second Circuit affirmed in part and vacated in part a lower court's grant of summary judgment in favor of the NRC in a case challenging its grant of an exemption to the Indian Point nuclear power plant from compliance with certain fire safety regulations. Environmental and citizens groups filed ...
Lost Tree Village Corp. v. United States
The Federal Circuit reversed and remanded a lower court decision dismissing a developer's Fifth Amendment takings claim against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for denying its application for a CWA §404 wetlands fill permit. The property is located on a barrier island of Florida, much of which is ...
Sierra Club v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
A district court, in a 114-page opinion, held that a regional planning agency violated the California Environmental Quality Act when it approved the expansion of a ski resort near Lake Tahoe. The evidence fails to support the agency's finding that a reduced alternative was not economically infeasibl...