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Murphy Co. v. Trump

A magistrate judge ruled against a timber company's motion for summary judgment in a challenge to President Obama's decision to include lands covered under the Oregon and California Revested Lands Act (O&A Act) in the expansion of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. The company argued that t...

American Forest Resource Council v. United States

A district court ordered BLM to provide an explanation for how management of timber harvest on certain federal land (O&C land) in western Oregon had changed, if at all, after President Obama designated approximately 16,000 acres of O&C land as part of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. ...

Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges v. Bernhardt

A district court vacated DOI's decision to enter into a land exchange agreement to facilitate construction of a road through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Conservation groups argued the agreement violated the APA because DOI failed to provide justification for reversing previous findin...

Tugaw Ranches, LLC v. United States Department of the Interior

A district court denied BLM's and the U.S. Forest Service's motion to dismiss a challenge by a cattle rancher for failing to submit land use plan amendments to protect the greater sage-grouse to Congress for review. The rancher, which operates on lands affected by the agencies' amendments, argued th...