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Kansas v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit, in an unpublished opinion, dismissed a petition challenging an EPA computer model that states must use to estimate motor vehicle emissions when developing their strategies to comply with the CAA. Kansas and Nebraska, as well as two nonprofit organizations, alleged that the model is...

United States v. Gunselman

The Fifth Circuit upheld an individual's sentence and conviction for wire fraud, money laundering, and CAA violations for selling false renewable fuel credits. The individual represented to EPA and to fuel companies seeking to purchase renewable fuel credits that he manufactured renewable fuels when...

Sierra Club v. McCarthy

A district court ordered EPA to either promulgate revised emissions standards for the the pulp mill and nutritional yeast manufacturing source categories, or issue a determination that such standards are not required under the CAA. EPA promulgated emissions standards for both of these major source c...

Sierra Club v. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co.

The Tenth Circuit dismissed an environmental group's citizen suit against an Oklahoma power company for CAA violations at a power plant. The group claimed the company modified a coal-fired boiler without first obtaining an emission-regulating permit as required by the CAA. But because the group file...

Sierra Club de Puerto Rico v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit dismissed environmental groups' lawsuit seeking to vacate an EPA rule that implements the CAA's new source review (NSR) permitting scheme in nonattainment areas. The groups filed suit after EPA issued an energy company a PSD permit to build a waste incinerator in Arecibo, Puerto Ric...