Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County v. Volkswagen Group of America, Inc.
The Ninth Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part a district court's dismissal of a suit challenging an automobile company's use of diesel-cheat devices to evade compliance with federally mandated emission standards. Two counties argued the company's installation of and modification to the dev...
Environmental Integrity Project v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
The Fifth Circuit upheld EPA's decision to reject a challenge to a CAA Title V permit it issued for expansion of a plant in Baytown, Texas. Environmental groups requested that EPA reject the permit on the grounds that the underlying Title I preconstruction permit allowing the expansion was invalid. ...
Weymouth v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
The First Circuit vacated an air permit issued by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) for a proposed natural gas compressor station that is part of a natural gas pipeline connecting the northeastern U.S. and Canada. Nearby municipalities and citizens argued that MDEP impr...
Maryland v. Environmental Protection Agency
The D.C. Circuit granted in part and denied in part Delaware's and Maryland's challenges to EPA's denial of their CAA §126(b) petitions requesting that the Agency impose additional limitations on certain upwind sources contributing to the states' nonattainment of ozone NAAQS. Maryland's petition ar...
Regulating CAFOs for the Well-Being of Farm Animals, Consumers, and the Environment
The livestock sector is one of the planet’s primary causes of resource consumption and environmental degradation. Approximately 99% of meat and other animal products in the United States are from factory farms, and the number of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) continues to grow. This Article, adapted from Chapter 8 of What Can Animal Law Learn From Environmental Law?, 2d Edition (ELI Press, forthcoming 2020), examines animal agriculture in the U.S and the associated problems.