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Martin v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n

The court denies a property owner's petition to review the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC's) authorization of the construction of a pipeline that would traverse part of the owner's historic property. The court first holds that it has jurisdiction to hear the claim. Although the landown...

Dodge v. Cotter Corp.

The court holds that a district court incorrectly applied the doctrine of offensive collateral estoppel, thereby precluding the owner of a uranium mill from litigating the issue of negligence, in a case brought by a group of nearby residents who claimed that the owner's negligent operation of the mi...

Lilly v. Caroline County

The court holds that a trial court correctly ruled that landowners, aggrieved by a zoning administrator's oral decision, failed to exhaust administrative remedies by not filing a timely appeal to the board of zoning appeals, as required by state statute. The landowners contested the zoning administr...

Palazzolo v. Rhode Island

The court holds that a landowner could not bring a claim alleging that a state resources management council's denial of the landowner's application to fill 18 acres of coastal wetlands constituted a taking of that property. The court first holds that the landowner's claim is not ripe for review. Alt...

ANR Pipeline Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n

The court upholds a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) order and denies a gas pipeline operator's petition to review FERC's decision not to hold a comparative hearing before permitting a competitor of the operator to build and operate a natural gas pipeline, and further holds that the opera...

Harrison v. Waste Sys. Auth. of E. Montgomery County

The court holds that a solid waste hauler has standing to bring a U.S. Commerce Clause claim against a waste district authority for instructing homeowners and commercial entities in the district to subtract a district waste generation fee from the contractually agreed to price paid to their waste ha...

Prestage Farms, Inc. v. Board of Supervisors of Noxubee County, Miss.

The court holds that a hog producer lacks standing to challenge a Monroe County, Mississippi, ordinance regulating new and expanding swine farming in the county. The hog producer purchases hogs from smaller independent farms in order to fill one of its contracts. Because the ordinance prevents the f...

Nebraska v. Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Comm'n

The court holds that Nebraska, a host state for a regional disposal facility, does not have a unilateral right under the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact to veto low-level radioactive waste export permits issued by the Central Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission. ...

Dureiko v. United States

The court holds that the Court of Federal Claims improperly held that the Stafford Act, collateral estoppel, and a contract release barred a South Florida trailer park owner's breach of contract claim against the federal government, but the owner's taking and inverse condemnation claims were appropr...