People for the Ethical Treatment of Property Owners v. FWS
The Tenth Circuit held that FWS has the authority under the Commerce Clause to regulate the take of the Utah prairie dog. A group of property owners challenged FWS's authority to use the ESA to prohibit take of the Utah prairie dog, an intrastate species, on nonfederal land. A district court granted...
Wayne Land and Mineral Group, LLC v. Delaware River Basin Comm'n
A district court upheld the Delaware River Basin Commission's fracking ban against a challenge from a energy company. Upon the Commission's creation, it was codified that no project that had a substantial effect on the water resources of the basin would be undertaken without the Commission's approva...
Martinez v. Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Comm'n
The Colorado Court of Appeals ruled against the state Oil and Gas Commission's narrow interpretation of its authority to readjust the balance of state oil and gas conservation regulations between the development of oil and gas resources and protection of public health, safety, and welfare. In Novemb...