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Amigos Bravos v. Molycorp, Inc.

The court holds that it lacks subject matter jurisdiction to review environmental groups' Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) citizen suit against a mining company allegedly discharging pollutants from its waste rock piles into a river via groundwater seepage without a national pollutant dis...

Marathon Oil Co. v. United States

The court holds that the Outer Banks Protection Act's (OBPA's) temporary moratorium on oil exploration did not cause the United States to breach outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and gas leases with two oil companies. The court first holds that the phrase "all other applicable statutes and regulatio...

Adirondack League Club, Inc. v. Sierra Club

The court holds that the ability to use a river in a recreational manner should be considered in determining whether the river is navigable-in-fact in a trespass case against kayakers and canoers on the South Branch of the Moose River in New York. The kayakers and canoers, who allegedly trespassed o...

Mall at Coventry Joint Venture v. McLeod

The court holds that a state environmental agency did not have a duty to ascertain the accuracy of the location of wetlands on developers' property. The court first holds that the duty to depict accurately the location of wetlands was properly the duty of the developers and their representatives. It...

Westfield, N.Y., Village of v. Welch's

The court holds that a district court abused its discretion by staying a village's action for a food processor's unpaid sewer user charges on the ground that there was a pending state court action addressing the same issue. The court first holds that under the abstention analysis required by Colorad...

United States v. M/G Transp. Servs., Inc.

The court reverses a district court's acquittal of a tow boat company, a company officer, and the boat's captains for violating the Federal Water Pollution Control Act by dumping pollutants into a river without a permit. The district court acquitted the defendants after a jury found them guilty. The...

Michigan Peat v. EPA

The court reverses a district court's dismissal of a peat company's Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) §404 and takings claims against the federal government concerning a proposed §404 permit. The court first holds that the district court erred in finding that it did not have subject matt...

Informed Citizens United, Inc. v. USX Corp.

The court grants summary judgment to a company that allegedly violated its Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) §404 permit by filling wetlands in contradiction of its mitigation plan. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authorized the company's filling and mitigation plan under Nationwide Perm...

Forest Properties, Inc. v. United States

The court holds that the federal governments' denial of a developer's application for a Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) §404 permit to dredge and fill certain underwater lakebottom property did not constitute a regulatory taking. The developer claimed that the denial resulted in a takin...