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Hagy v. Equitable Production Co.

The Fourth Circuit, in an unpublished opinion, affirmed a lower court decision dismissing landowner's negligence and trespass claims against natural gas drilling companies for alleged well water contamination. The landowners failed to connect any allegedly wrongful conduct by the companies with the ...

Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin v. Village of Hobart, Wisconsin

The Seventh Circuit held that a town may not assess stormwater management fees on Indian lands located within the town's borders. The town passed an ordinance allowing it to assess fees on all parcels of land in the town, including those owned by the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, to pay for its stormw...

Northern Laramie Range Alliance v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Tenth Circuit held that landowners lacked standing to challenge two wind energy projects in Wyoming. FERC certified the projects under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act, which seeks to promote renewable energy sources by requiring utilities to buy power from small facilities that meet...

Alt v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court held that litter and manure washed from a farmyard into navigable waters due to a precipitation event is an agricultural stormwater discharge and not a point source discharge, rendering it exempt from the CWA's NPDES permit requirement. The case involves a poultry farmer who operate...

Sierra Club v. Bostick

The Tenth Circuit affirmed a lower court decision denying an environmental group's motion to preliminarily enjoin the construction of an oil pipeline to run from Cushing, Oklahoma, to oil refineries along the Gulf Coast near Port Arthur, Texas. The group argued that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ...

Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service

The Third Circuit affirmed a lower court decision vacating a 2009 settlement agreement between the U.S. Forest Service and environmental groups that banned oil and gas drilling in the Allegheny National Forest pending the completion of a multi-year, forestwide EIS under NEPA. The lower court had pre...