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Sovereign Operating Co. v. City & County of Broomfield

A Colorado court held that a voter-approved local ban on hydraulic fracturing cannot apply retroactively to ban oil and gas operations that a city approved in a prior agreement. The city entered into a memorandum of understanding in August 2013 allowing a company to engage oil and gas exploration an...

Nebraska v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court dismissed Nebraska's lawsuit challenging EPA's proposed standards to limit carbon dioxide emissions from new or modified fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating units. As part of the proposed rule, EPA found that certain technology was "adequately demonstrated" for purposes of...

Save Lake Peigneur, Inc. v. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources,

A Louisiana court held that the state erred in issuing a coastal use permit to a natural gas storage and transport company that was needed to create two new natural gas storage caverns in the Jefferson Island salt dome underneath Lake Peigneur. The state's natural resource department violated the st...

Pebble Limited Partnership v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

A district court dismissed a lawsuit challenging EPA's initiation of CWA §404(c) proceedings for the proposed Pebble Mine project, a large copper and gold mine in the Bristol Bay region of southwest Alaska. Alaska, which owns the land, as well as the company that owns the underlying mineral ri...

Mingo Logan v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

A district court upheld EPA's revocation of a CWA §404 permit allowing a mining company to discharge fill material from its West Virginia mountaintop coal mine into two nearby streams. EPA withdrew the permit's designation of the streams as disposal sites after determining that the discharges would...

Boeing Co. v. Movassaghi

The Ninth Circuit invalidated a California law that prescribes cleanup standards for radioactive contamination at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, a former federal nuclear testing facility near Los Angeles. The law, Senate Bill 990, requires that the site be made suitable for subsistence farming, ...