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Redding, California v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Ninth Circuit denied petitions challenging FERC orders that retroactively reset the market rates that were charged in the California electricity markets during the state's energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. After California deregulated and restructured its electricity market in the mid-1990s, price...

Impact Energy Resources, LLC v. Salazar

The Tenth Circuit upheld the DOI Secretary's decision to rescind 77 oil and gas leases on federal land around national parks in Utah. BLM auctioned the oil and gas leases to energy companies in late 2008 during the last weeks of the George W. Bush administration. After the auction but before the lea...

Sierra Club, Inc. v. Bostick

A district court denied environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin the construction of segments of the Keystone XL pipeline. After an oil company's original request to complete the Keystone XL pipeline was denied by President Obama in 2011, the company sought to divide its original interco...

League of Wilderness Defenders v. United States Forest Service

The Ninth Circuit held that the U.S. Forest Service's EIS for a forest thinning research project in the Pringle Falls Experimental Forest within the Deschutes National Forest complies with NEPA. The project allows logging and controlled burning on roughly 2,500 acres of the Forest to reduce the risk...