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Chung v. City of Monterey Park

A California appellate court held that a local ballot measure requiring a city to seek competitive bidding for future trash service contracts was not a "project" under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) subject to environmental review. A city resident alleged that the city violated CEQA...

Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center v. County of Siskiyou

A California appellate court upheld a county's approval of a project to expand an existing wood veneer manufacturing facility in order to permit cogeneration of electricity for resale. Environmental and citizens groups filed a petition for review, claiming that the environmental impact report for th...

National Solid Wastes Management Ass'n v. City of Dallas

A district court enjoined a county from enforcing a solid waste flow control ordinance that, among other things, requires all waste collected in the city to be disposed of at a city landfill. The city had entered into franchise contracts with a number of haulers that allowed them to dispose of waste...

Sierra Club v. 22nd District Agricultural Ass'n

A California court dismissed all but three claims raised by an environmental group challenging a county's environmental impact report for a fairground expansion project. The group raised concerns about impacts of the proposed development on wetlands, biological resources, traffic, greenhouse gases, ...

Aronow v. State

A Minnesota appellate court affirmed a lower court decision dismissing an individual's lawsuit against the state for violating the public trust doctrine with respect to climate change. In his complaint, the individual alleged that the state's commitment to a 15% reduction in Minnesota’s greenhouse...

Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future v. Ultra Resources, Inc.

A district court denied a company's motion to dismiss an environmental group's CAA citizen suit against it for building seven compressor stations without first obtaining a nonattainment new source review permit. The company claimed that it properly applied for and received less stringent permits fro...

Jeffrey v. Ryan

A New York court struck down a city's local ordinance that placed a two-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing within its borders. The city argued that it issued the ordinance under its local police powers and that it was therefore not required to refer the law to the county planning board prior to...

NCR Corp. v. Transport Insurance Co.

A Wisconsin appellate court reversed in part a lower court judgment declaring that an excess umbrella policy issued to an electronics company provided coverage for the company's liability for PCB contamination of the Lower Fox River in Wisconsin. The lower court correctly chose to apply Wisconsin, r...