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Minard Run Oil Co. v. United States Forest Service

The Third Circuit affirmed a lower court decision vacating a 2009 settlement agreement between the U.S. Forest Service and environmental groups that banned oil and gas drilling in the Allegheny National Forest pending the completion of a multi-year, forestwide EIS under NEPA. The lower court had pre...

North Dakota v. United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Eighth Circuit vacated and remanded EPA's best available retrofit technology (BART) determination for a large power plant in North Dakota, but otherwise upheld EPA's partial disapproval of two SIPs submitted by North Dakota to meet the CAA's visibility requirements as well as the Agency's federa...

United States v. Alabama Power Co.

The Eleventh Circuit reversed a lower court decision excluding the testimony of two expert witnesses in the government's case against a power company for making major modifications at three of its coal-fired power plants without obtaining a permit or installing modern pollution control devices. The ...

Rockies Express Pipeline LLC v. Salazar

The Federal Circuit held that the Minerals Management Service (MMS) breached its contract with a natural gas pipeline construction company involving the construction of two segments of a pipeline that extends from Wyoming to Ohio. Under a "precedent agreement," MMS would pay the company roughly $1.2...