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Southern States Landfill, Inc. v. Georgia Dep't of Natural Resources

The court rules that the provisions of the Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act (GCSWMA), and regulations of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division (EPD) governing out-of-state solid waste, are unconstitutional burdens on interstate commerce in viol...

Reahard v. Lee County

The court amends its decision at 22 ELR 21455, which vacated and remanded a magistrate judge's decision that a Florida county's land use plan resulted in a taking of waterfront property under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. In its amended opinion, the court directs the ...

BFI Medical Waste Sys. v. Whatcom County

The court holds that a county in the state of Washington violated the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution when it adopted an ordinance barring disposal in the county of medical waste generated outside the county, and the court remands for a determination of whether attorneys fees are warranted ...

Sanjour v. EPA

The court holds that an Office of Government Ethics' (OGE's) regulation allowing federal employees to accept reimbursement for expenses incurred in giving "official" speeches, but not "unofficial" speeches, is valid on its face under the First Amendment. The court first holds that the proper standar...

Moreau v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n

The court dismisses claims by owners of property adjacent to a natural gas pipeline that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Natural Gas Act (NGA), and the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution when it issued a certificate ...

Mock v. Department of Envtl. Resources

The court holds that the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources' denial of a permit for landowners to fill wetlands on their property to construct an auto body shop did not constitute a taking under either the U.S. or the Pennsylvania Constitutions for which the individuals must be compe...

Mullis Tree Serv., Inc. v. Bibb County

The court holds that a county board of commissioners lacks authority under Georgia law to prohibit household waste landfills within a one-half mile of residential property, and that an importation ordinance violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution by discriminating against out-of-county...

Tri-State Rubbish, Inc. v. Gray, Town of

The court holds that genuine issues of material fact remain about whether a flow control and recycling ordinance violates the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, and remands the action. A local ordinance requires that all solid waste generated in the town be disposed of at a specific regional ...

Tennsv, Inc. v. Gade

The court holds that provisions of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (IEPA) that restrict the location of waste treatment, landfill, and incinerator facilities serving areas beyond the borders of a local government unit are unconstitutional burdens on interstate commerce in violation of the ...

Plantation Landing Resort, Inc. v. United States

The court holds that a developer of a Louisiana tourist resort did not have a sufficient compensable property interest to bring a taking claim against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for its denial of the developer's Federal Water Pollution Control Act §404 dredge and fill permit applicati...