Food & Water Watch v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
The Ninth Circuit vacated an NPDES permit issued by EPA for concentrated animal feeding operations in Idaho. Environmental groups argued the permit lacked sufficient monitoring provisions to ensure compliance with its "zero discharge" requirements for production and land-application areas. The court...
Inland Empire Waterkeeper v. Corona Clay Co.
The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, vacated and remanded a district court ruling in a CWA citizen suit concerning a clay manufacturer's discharges. Environmental groups argued the manufacturer illegally discharged pollutants into navigable waters, failed to monitor the discharge as required by its NPDES permit,...
Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Project in Minnesota Kittson, Marshall, Pennington, Polk, Red Lake, Clearwater, Hubbard, Wadena, Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin, St. Louis, and Carlton Counties Section 401 Water Quality Certification
A Minnesota appellate court affirmed the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA's) decision to issue a CWA §401 certification for the Line 3 crude oil pipeline replacement project. Native American tribes and environmental groups challenged the decision, arguing the MPCA failed to consider alter...
Pasqua Yaqui Tribe v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
A district court vacated and remanded EPA's and the Army Corps of Engineers' Navigable Waters Protection Rule, which established a new definition of "waters of the United States" under the CWA. EPA and the Corps sought voluntary remand of the rule without vacatur to give them time to revise or repla...