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Medical Waste Assocs. Ltd. Partnership v. Mayor of Baltimore

The court holds that a local ordinance imposing geographic restrictions on the sources of waste for a regional medical waste incinerator does not violate the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution. A commercial enterprise obtained authorization to construct a medical waste incinerator, and after c...

Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council

The Court rules that a South Carolina beachfront regulation that prohibits construction seaward of a setback line cannot be sustained without paying just compensation for a developer's lost use of two vacant beachfront lots. The developer bought the lots, located on a South Carolina barrier island, ...

Reahard v. Lee County

The court vacates and remands a magistrate judge's decision that a Florida county's land use plan resulted in a taking of waterfront property under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, because the magistrate judge misapplied the legal standard for partial takings and failed ...

Bigelow v. Michigan Dep't of Natural Resources

The court holds that an appeal by commercial fishermen from a federal district court's dismissal of the fishermen's constitutional taking, equal protection, and due process challenge of a court-approved Michigan plan to restore aboriginal fishing rights to Michigan Indians, involving exclusive fishi...

Tabb Lakes, Inc. v. United States

The court holds that a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (Corps') cease and desist order requiring a land developer to suspend construction on wetlands' portions of a residential development for three years did not constitute a taking of property without just compensation in violation of the Fifth Amend...

Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council

On remand from the U.S. Supreme Court, the South Carolina Supreme Court directs the trial court to make specific findings of damages, commencing with the date of enactment of the 1988 state Beachfront Management Act through the date of the court's order, to compensate a landowner for a temporary dep...

Southern States Landfill, Inc. v. Georgia Dep't of Natural Resources

The court rules that the provisions of the Georgia Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Act (GCSWMA), and regulations of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division (EPD) governing out-of-state solid waste, are unconstitutional burdens on interstate commerce in viol...

Reahard v. Lee County

The court amends its decision at 22 ELR 21455, which vacated and remanded a magistrate judge's decision that a Florida county's land use plan resulted in a taking of waterfront property under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. In its amended opinion, the court directs the ...

BFI Medical Waste Sys. v. Whatcom County

The court holds that a county in the state of Washington violated the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution when it adopted an ordinance barring disposal in the county of medical waste generated outside the county, and the court remands for a determination of whether attorneys fees are warranted ...

Sanjour v. EPA

The court holds that an Office of Government Ethics' (OGE's) regulation allowing federal employees to accept reimbursement for expenses incurred in giving "official" speeches, but not "unofficial" speeches, is valid on its face under the First Amendment. The court first holds that the proper standar...