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West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, Inc. v. Kempthorne

The Fourth Circuit held that an environmental group was entitled to attorney fees in their action challenging an OSM decision that resulted in a remand to the agency for additional investigation. The group filed a citizen complaint with the OSM alleging that a reclaimed surface mining site, which ha...

Schooner Harbor Ventures, Inc. v. United States

The Federal Circuit reversed a lower court's dismissal of a property owner's claim for just compensation after the FWS required mitigation in connection with its sale of property to the U.S. Navy. A property owner sought to sell some of its land to the U.S. Navy. But because the FWS deemed the site ...

Central Delta Water Agency v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv.

A district court dismissed two local water agencies' NEPA action against various federal and state regulatory agencies, water districts, and other interested parties involved in the development and environmental review of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, a yet-to-be consummated collaborative approac...

Schutz v. Thorne

The court dismissed a Florida resident's claims that three Wyoming statutes unconstitutionally limit hunting opportunities for nonresidents. The individual lacks standing to challenge the "guide statute" that creates two classes of hunters—resident and nonresident—for wilderness hunting because ...

Northwest La. Fish & Game Preserve Comm'n v. United States

The court reverses the dismissal of the Louisiana Fish & Game Preserve Commission's takings claim against the United States in a case involving a conflict between the state commission's duty to maintain the Northwest Fish and Game Preserve and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (the Corps') respo...

Geertson Seed Farms v. Johanns

A district court held that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) failed to take a hard look at its decision to deregulate alfalfa genetically engineered to resist the herbicide glyphosate—the active ingredient in "RoundUp." Substantial questions exist as to whether the deregulatio...

United Haulers Ass'n v. Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Management Auth.

The U.S. Supreme Court held that two flow-control ordinances requiring delivery of local solid waste to a publicly owned processing facility do not discriminate against interstate commerce in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The ordinances at issue treat in-state private business interests exactl...

Exxon Mobil Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n

The D.C. Circuit denied petitions to review two Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulations concerning the project design and capacity expansion of Alaska natural gas transportation projects. The petitioner wants to construct a natural gas pipeline from the North Slope of Alaska to the c...

Rivers Unlimited v. Department of Transp.

A district court dismissed an environmental group's claim that the Federal Highway Administration (FHwA) violated the National Environmental Policy Act and the Transportation Act in approving an environmental impact statement (EIS) for a new transportation project designed to improve commuting betwe...

Appalachian States Low-Level Radioactive Waste Comm'n v. Peña

The court upholds the Secretary of Energy's interpretation of the term "provide for" within a provision of the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act that entitles states and regional radioactive-waste disposal compacts to a rebate of their waste disposal surcharges. Plaintiff regional co...