Keystone-Conemaugh Projects LLC v. United States Environmental Protection Agency
The Third Circuit denied power companies' petition to review EPA's issuance of a federal implementation plan (FIP) establishing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission limits for selective catalytic reduction-equipped coal-fired electric generating units in Pennsylvania to address reasonably available control...
Sierra Club v. Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
The Fifth Circuit rejected an environmental group's challenge to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality's (LDEQ's) decision to issue preconstruction permits for a liquefied natural gas export facility in Cameron Parish. The group sought to have LDEQ's decision vacated, arguing the facilit...
Sheetz v. El Dorado, California, County of
The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that the Takings Clause does not distinguish between legislative and administrative land use permit conditions, in a lawsuit concerning a traffic impact fee as a condition of building a prefabricated home on a parcel of land. The landowner challenged the fee a...
DeVillier v. Texas
The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held that Texas property owners should be permitted to pursue claims under the Takings Clause through an inverse-condemnation cause of action available under Texas law. Over 120 property owners argued that a Texas highway elevation and expansion project, which buil...
Ohio v. Environmental Protection Agency
The D.C. Circuit upheld EPA's 2022 decision to reinstate a prior waiver of federal preemption of two California regulations concerning automobile emissions under the CAA. States and fossil fuel groups challenged the regulations—a standard limiting greenhouse gas emissions and a requirement that a ...