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Friends of the Earth v. Haaland

A district court vacated and remanded BOEM's approval of an oil and gas lease sale covering 80.8 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental groups argued that BOEM violated NEPA by failing to include foreign greenhouse gas emissions in its emissions calculation for the "no action" alternativ...

Wild Virginia v. United States Forest Service

The Fourth Circuit vacated and remanded the Forest Service's and BLM's renewed records of decision (RODs) for an interstate natural gas pipeline to cross through Jefferson National Forest. The groups argued the agencies violated NEPA, the National Forest Management Act (NMFA), and the Mineral Leasin...

Cascadia Wildlands v. United States Forest Service

A district court granted environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin wildfire logging projects in the Willamette National Forest. The groups argued the Forest Service violated NEPA by failing to perform supplemental analysis for the previously approved projects to account for the effects of...

Delaware v. BP America Inc.

A district court granted Delaware's motion to remand to state court its climate liability lawsuit against fossil fuel companies. Delaware argued it had suffered, and would continue to suffer, damages from climate impacts caused by the companies' denial of and disinformation about the existence, caus...

A New Causal Pathway for Recovery in Climate Change Litigation?

Courts across the globe recognize that human-induced climate change leads to more frequent and severe extreme weather and other events, resulting in significant damages to persons and property. Although courts have therefore ordered countries and corporations to take more aggressive actions to limit their greenhouse gas emissions, no court has yet required any emitter to pay damages for injuries from a climate changerelated event. Causation issues remain a significant obstacle to such claims.