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75 FR 77760

EPA issued a stay until March 14, 2011, of the requirement for chemical manufacturing area sources to comply with the NESHAPs permit program.

75 FR 77698

EPA issued an SIP call to 13 states whose plans do not apply PSD requirements to GHG-emitting sources and established deadlines for their compliance.

76 FR 5103

OSM proposed to approve revisions to Maryland's regulatory program concerning coal combustion byproducts under SMCRA.

76 FR 4266

OSM proposed to approve revisions to New Mexico's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning ownership and control rules.

76 FR 214

DOE proposed to amend its existing regulations governing compliance with NEPA, particularly its categorical exclusions.

76 FR 5319

EPA proposed to allow refiners and laboratories to use an alternative test method for olefin content in gasoline.

76 FR 5319

SIP Proposal: California (VOC emissions for the Antelope Valley air quality management district and the Placer County, Santa Barbara, and Ventura County air pollution control districts; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 5272

SIP Approval: Alabama (removal of PSD program limitation)

76 FR 4156

EPA amended NESHAPs for gasoline distribution bulk terminals, bulk plants, and pipeline and gasoline-dispensing facilities.

75 FR 75060

EPA issued a final rule requiring GHG monitoring and reporting from facilities that conduct geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide.